Here's where we squash Timberborn bugs and consider new features! 🐛
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🌳 Use English. The only allowed exception is described in the thread on in-game text and translations pinned below.
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🌳 When reporting bugs, add any details that may help us reproduce the bug. Remember that you can attach image files to your suggestions.
🌳 Saves and player logs help us even more. You can send an anonymous report via a post-crash screen after the game stopped working. If that screen didn't appear, please post your bug report and then e-mail us the files using this address. Remember to link your suggestion! Where are the logs and saves, you ask? Check out this thread.
🌳 You may also suggest and upvote new features big and small. And if you feel you'd rather discuss live, join our Discord.
Thank you for your feedback!
🌳 Use English. The only allowed exception is described in the thread on in-game text and translations pinned below.
🌳 Before posting, check for duplicate suggestions by using "Search". If someone has already shared something similar, upvote and/or comment.
🌳 When reporting bugs, add any details that may help us reproduce the bug. Remember that you can attach image files to your suggestions.
🌳 Saves and player logs help us even more. You can send an anonymous report via a post-crash screen after the game stopped working. If that screen didn't appear, please post your bug report and then e-mail us the files using this address. Remember to link your suggestion! Where are the logs and saves, you ask? Check out this thread.
🌳 You may also suggest and upvote new features big and small. And if you feel you'd rather discuss live, join our Discord.
Thank you for your feedback!
Suggesting new content, features, QoL changes etc.
We're happy to hear about your ideas for Timberborn's further development so be sure to post yours and upvote suggestions coming from others! We don't want to stifle ...
Aqueducts - elevated water transport
Transport small to moderate amount of water to same or lower levels by a elevated (or elevatable, e.g. placed on platforms and solid buildings) gutter. Opposed to ...
Multiplayer (Co-op/Competitive)
Peaceful cooperative multiplayer is often requested on Discord so I'm posting it here.
Players would have their own beavers/buildings/district(s) but would be able ...
Ability to recover used materials when deleting/demolishing buildings (deconstruction)
My fellow beavers accidentally made a Power Wheel underwater, instead of the Water Wheel I had hoped to make; when I demolished it to make way for the Water Wheel we ...
Expanded pump mechanics and pipelines, water pipes
Make it possible for pumps to be driven by a waterweel or other powersource instead of worker, and add pipelines that can be attached to pumps so you could pump water ...
Statistics - Production, Consumption and other reports with Graphs
Add a way to overview colony statistics over time periods with balance, production and consumption graphs, demographics and such.
Possibly unlocked by a special ...
Beaver automators - logic triggers (control dams floodgates automatically)
I would love to be able to automate some tasks in Timberton
The most pressing for me right now would be to be able to automate lowering dams to provide water ...
Flood Season, Monsoon
Water management is at the core of this game. As well as drought, it would be interesting to manage a flood, where the water flow in the rivers is cranked up so that ...
Add a powered Lift or Elevator
Adding in some form of powered lift to allow beavers to travel multiple levels vertically outside of ramps/stairs. Maybe some form of powered X lift where the power ...
Winter season! And water freezing into ice
Every dry season there could be a chance that the dry season is actually a winter season. This would be like a dry season but with more disadvantages. During the ...
Game over when the last of the beavers dies
Game need a proper game over when our last beaver die miserable. I had an accident when all my beavers died in all of my districts. I have waited one full-day extra, ...
Add weather features. Rain.
Having occasional rain, storms and sunny days could bring some more variation to the experience and the landscape.
[mod edit]: added picture from suggestion by ...
Caves and Tunnels, place dirt soil blocks on overhangs and rooftops, underground
Beavers do burrow and so tunnels to quickly connect through the land. Maybe a new faction idea. Caves can be dug beneath the houses to provide for extra housing and ...
Add a "max" amount per resource for warehouses (storage limit)
All my default multi ressource warehouses get flooded with berries preventing more useful resources from being stored.
I don't want to micro manage every gatherer ...
Carts for moving multiple logs/food pieces at once.
It would be a building that would open 2 jobs for cargo movers. They could move up to 3 times the regular moving amount. They can only serve the level that the ...
Allow mirror and/or doorway variation for every building
Drawing path on random generated terrain with a building that have specific waypoint can become totally mess. In many situation is called for building to reflect ...
River Beaver (Aquatic Faction)
A different faction of beaver, that forgoes living on the land. Land is only used for harvesting and farming trees. Maybe food if water crops do not become a thing. ...
Cart and rail track system
For moving goods from one smaller community to another - loading and unload stations
Sandbox Mode (Creative mode)
A Mode aside from career mode where you can build anything with unlimited resources.
Ladders and Stairs
Maybe add ladders for buildings that won't take up a space in front of the homes. I'd like to place buildings and then add a second level without worrying about ...
Dining Hall (place to eat) [cafe, canteen, tavern, mess, restaurant, kitchen, pantry]
Currently beavers eat by going to a warehouse and drink by going to a water barrel. That's fine when they're just getting started, but don't you think they'd ...
Fruit trees and brewing
wild fruit trees could be found and used as food and turned into ciders to make beavers happy
[mod edit]: added random remotely related photo
Wind elevation bonus and surrounding penalty, obstacles to wind currents.
For a more realistic windmill. It should have bonus from elevation. Maybe the game should calculate wind for each elevation differently. Higher elevation should have ...
More Granular Control of FloodGates (more level settings)
When the Dry Season is there and you have a big Water storage Lake Upstream of the Settlement, it is easy to Flood everything when lowering the Gate by 0.5 Meters. So ...
hydroelectric dam, dam power unit
a structure that generates power based on the head difference (perhaps flow too, if that's measurable)
Procedural Map Generation - random map seeds
I think the title says it all. Procedural Map Generation. I know this is significantly easier said than done. Playing on the same maps every time can get old.
How about a campaign mode?
I would love a story telling campaign mode. The games seems fun, it reminds me of a game I played in primary school (Cesar 3). The endless building game mode is fun ...
Split High Power Shaft into horizontal-to-vertical shaft turns and straight vertical power shafts
Right now you can only transfer power vertically only one step at a time without ability to horizontally rotate shaft stack output in relation to input (output always ...
Beavers should prioritize to live near their work (job and home proximity, lower commute time)
Currently, beavers will randomly pick a house to live at.
Usually they pick whatever is closer, even if there are available houses near their work.
This is a big ...
Night Shift
It should be possible to run 2 shifts of beavers in the same building to allow it to run 24/7. This is especially important for buildings that require horsepower, ...
Faction - Moonwood Beavers (oriental theme)
Moonwood Beavers is a faction based on assorted images of oriental cultures like China or Japan. As Folktails specialize in farming and Iron Teeth in industry - ...
Building Progress Animation
The ability to see the level of progress being made toward a construction project. A Basic framework, then more and more of the final structure as the build develops ...
Curved stairs (spiral, angled, corner, turning stair)
Clockwise and anti-clockwise
Native Linux support
Maybe add native linux support? It currently works good with wine but native support would be better i think. And if it is added please make the linux version also ...
Stackable stairs
I think we should be able to build stairs on top of one another. The stairs on top would connect to the bottom ones with pillars just like platforms.
The way it is ...
Add the Steam workshop
The modding community is so amazing as they create such amazing mods some which really make a game so much better , some which is just cosmectic and make the game ...
A bleed valve (dam block under levees) for regulating deep reservoirs.
A lot of people have asked about this feature in one way or another. Some ask for the ability to put levees on top of dam-blocks. Some ask for ways to stack ...
Modding Support
It could be something as simple as changing the configuration of already existing buildings. But being able to make your own would be even better.
Beaver Clothing - Cosmetic Details and Accessories for working Beavers! (and hats)
A small Detail to tell the Different Beavers running around apart.
For Example a farming Beaver has a strawhat on.
Or a Water Gathering Beaver is carring a ...
Vertical farming (Rooftop planting)
Would love some possibilities for vertical farming so we can build even more vertically!
A simple implementation would be a planting box to grow carrots/potatoes ...
Place over existing plant with different kind, (change crop or tree type in-place, replace crop)
When you initially set up a forester, you have the choice between planting three different tree types. For your initial planting, you might want to prioritize quick ...
allow beavers to drink out of river in emergency
link to a bit of discussion:
basically, if it's a choice between dying of ...
Set production limits, district resource capacity limit
It would be nice to be able to set production limits/district. Example: have 1 district producing paper. setting a limit of 200 paper in the district and when the ...
Custom key bindings
Ability to customize key bindings.
[mod edit]: keybind, hotkey, shortcut, key mapping, keybinding
Street lights, firefly lamps, lantern decorations, night illumination
while playing the game I've seen the environment is so dull looking, street lights or some lamps would be great to work with.
Add real flood gates
In real life the way a floodgate works is by letting water at a lower portion of the dam in order to store water up steam. In game "flood gates" open from the top and ...
Pipette Building Tool - duplicate a structure (clone / copy building)
Adding a pipette tool would be a quick and easy way to copy the same building. While building complex stucteres like big dams, I had often to switch between building ...
mass pause - draggable tool
give the cursor icon on the UI bar a function. let it switch between regular and pause. the pause cursor can drag a grid and pause everything inside it. I have a very ...
Different soil types (terrain tiles variety)
Various soil types to add more colours to the game landscape, and more things to consider for colony planning.
Possible characteristics of soil:
- Fertility: ...
Building dimensions in building descriptions (footprint size), construction preview, space tiles
Only minor but when I was attempting to plan an where future buildings would go I couldn't tell how large the buildings I had not yet researched would be for road ...