Cycle between buildings and beavers - navigate next\previous (more links between items)

69 votes

Some more ways to quickly navigate around the world

1. Clicking on a title under the heading "Employment" goes to the relevant place (for ex. clicking on "builder Flag" takes you to the first builder flag you own. Repeated clicking moves between them.
2. Every structure has next, prev arrows which take you to the next or previous structure of that type
3. Each Beaver has next, prev arrows to cycle through beavers
4. Clicking on an item (berries, logs, ... ) which you own takes you to a storage which holds >1 of that item. Repeated clicking cycles.

For each case you could build a list of items, sorted by age, # of items or similar. Then search the list for the currently selected item. If the current selection is found at index n, try n+1 or 0 if overflow. If the item is not on the list, just start with 0.

[mod edit]: added image from suggestion by ItDoesntMatter

Under consideration Suggestion UI Suggested by: Tom Leys Upvoted: 20 Apr Comments: 63

Comments: 63