Adjust birth rate and/or explain in the tutorial what's required to encourage positive births

150 votes

I'm new for what it's worth, and I'm currently teetering on the brink of the colony going under because there aren't enough new births to get anything beyond sustaining 8-12 beavers. I have housing for everyone 2+ per house, and aesthetic increasing items nearby. I also have multiple sources of food, prepared and raw, yet my numbers barely keep up with the ageing pop.

At this stage droughts are only a slight inconvenience because I can't get a population large enough to need more than the patch of land I'm able to keep hydrated.

What the heck do I even do?...there doesn't seem to be enough ingame placements to encourage birthrate from what I can figure out vs. what I'd be able to do at the moment...

Seems like birthrate needs a tweek and/or the tutorial needs to explain how to encourage pop growth.

The game conceptually is fantastic and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it, for what it's worth!

Under consideration Suggested by: CW Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 21

Comments: 21