Boats or rafts (or other water transports)

241 votes

It would be cool to have boats as a way of transport. For example you could build two docks on opposite sides of a large river and have them work as if there was a road between them. Or maybe one dock even allows you to reach the entire area of water it is connected to (so that you can build the second dock on the other side without needing to get there in a different way). This would be especially usefull for maps with a lot of smaller islands etc. Restrictions could be that only one beaver can use the boat at a time or you need a beaver who works on the dock / on the boat. An issue would probably be the water level getting to low for the boat to realistically reach the dock, because then beavers could get trapped in the water or would have to "teleport" upwards (only in deep water because otherwise they're "just" stranded).

[mod edit]: added image from suggestion by Scorpio Swiftshot

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: Fubiun1599 Upvoted: 20 Apr Comments: 53

Comments: 53