Building upgrades - Attachments etc.

61 votes

So, there's two ways I hope you guys can go about making building upgrades;

'Modules' - smaller mini-buildings that can be built and attached to resource buildings to improve their attributes;

- Mini-storages that give production buildings more capacity for their resource (and increasing working uptime)

- Small flywheel-type battery that will let them continue running for a few in-game hours more if/when power is cut - possibly enough time for more wind to blow in or the water wheels to start up again.

- A mini-hauling post can add 1-2 beavers dedicated to going out and fetching resources for their attached building.

Then there's the traditional upgrade button method you can add to a building. It will take down the building and for some will increase its size during 'renovations'.

Upgrades could be being able to have more beavers, which increases the number of resources you can process at the same time, or makes the processing time faster as you upgrade the building.

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: Vinny P Upvoted: 19 Feb Comments: 16

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