season specific commands (start or pause at drought) seasonal jobs

190 votes

During dry season, I found there were a few good habits. For example, raising all dams once it starts to keep water for just a bit longer. At one district, I had emergency pumps at lower levels that were flooded for most of the time, except during long droughts. All of these required a manual command, until I just stopped doing it completely because it was too tedious and I had enough backup resources, but I still wanted to do it, because it's cool and feels like the right thing to do. I think it'd be cool if we could set certain things to happen, i.e. operate this facility only during dry season, or raise these dams once a drought has started, etc.

[mod edit] Disable and enable buildings during drought

Under consideration Suggestion UI Suggested by: Yuval Upvoted: 20 Apr Comments: 133

Comments: 133