Random Events - Environmental changes

27 votes

My suggestion is to have various types of random events that can occur at any time. They shouldn't dominate the playthrough at normal settings but should be there as an extra challenge or opportunity from time to time.

For example, one random event could be a flash flood event, where the river flows at a greatly increased rate for a short time (say 6 hours to a day), and it could flow at anywhere from double to quadruple the normal rate, making managing flood waters and low laying land flooding an issue, as well as designing your water management systems to be able to handle the excess flow during such an event and mitigate or prevent the damage done by flooding.

There are many types of random events that could happen, some harmful, some helpful.

Under consideration Game mechanics Suggestion Suggested by: Seriously Unserious Upvoted: 06 Mar Comments: 10

Comments: 10