[Bug] Hauling priorities lead to unanticipated results.

2 votes

Prioritizing buildings seems to have this logic: haulers look for prioritized buildings with open demands and prioritized buildings with something in the storage. It means that they will carry potatoes and logs to a prioritized grill house and will haul grilled potatoes out of it as fast as possible - so far so good.

But it seems that stockpiles, water tanks, and warehouses don't have demands even with the set Desired option. So haulers ignore priorities and pick the closest warehouse with unsatisfied desire.

That's a bug, but there is more: prioritized water tanks have something in storage. So haulers will prefer to pick water from there, even if to dump it into another water tank. To get it fixed, haulers should not prioritize outputs of stockpile-type buildings, only inputs. Prioritized stockpiles will fill fast - as expected, and nearby production and beavers will still consume from there as they are the closest one - as expected.

Under consideration Game mechanics Suggested by: YEEEEEEEEEEEET Upvoted: 13 Jun, '22 Comments: 0

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