Dam life: wild life returns to irrigated lands, biodiversity metric for map

26 votes

Beavers are known IRL for creating ecosystems, see video at end. So why not make that one of the goals of the game. To bring none beaver life to an area. The first would be fish and turtles which don't do anything. In fact you don't see the fish, but turtles some times rest on land near water.

After that the life is as follows based on what you have done with the area.

1. large amounts of water on map during drought, returns water birds. Swans nest on roof decor adding Awe one to it.

2. large amounts of living maple: Woodpeckers come back, these speed up tree growth, though nested trees can't be harvested (will not nest closer then 5 blocks from each other.)

3. Deer return with a large amount of berries on map, can be tamed by haulers to carry a lot of an item at a time.

4. ravens nest, metal structures are built see: https://timberborn.featureupvote.com/suggestions/221744/idea-ravens-of-winds for their idea.


Under consideration Game mechanics Suggestion Suggested by: warbrand2 Upvoted: 28 Mar Comments: 7

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