Show range of relevant buildings when planting or building related structures, farms area

60 votes

Currently, when planting trees or crops, I often have to cancel planting just to click on the forester buildings etc just to check how far their reach is, and have to remember exactly how far I should plant my trees or keep checking back and forth. Relevant info like range of water, lumber flag, forester etc should be shown when building relevant things. Other buildings include beehive range (other beehive ranges? plant range again?) and irrigation tower (yes lol).

Perhaps different colour codes for water and building ranges. A mix of both colours if it is in range of more than one thing. Eg. water (blue) + building (red) = purple if in range of farmhouse and water. If not everyone would like these info or it could be overwhelming then perhaps a toggle would be good too.

Under consideration Suggestion UI Suggested by: Eagerbeaver Upvoted: 27 Mar Comments: 38

Comments: 38