More End-Game Content [Endgame Mega thread]

210 votes

The players all agree, Timberborn is a fantastic game, but there comes a time in each save where the settlement becomes more or less self-sufficient and it feels like you've ran out of things to do.

This is a problem because it's damaging for the longevity and replayability of the game (bad for players, worse for marketing). This is why the community is calling for the addition of more endgame content.

But what does that mean exactly? Developers can add features like buildings and factions, but that doesn't necessarily count as expanding the endgame aspects of the game.

What we need is expanded features and mechanics that make the game more interesting to play in the long-term. This can, but doesn't have to present itself as additional challenges (Flood season is a popular request).
It can also present itself as additional ways to play the game, I'll mention suggestions such as co-operative multiplayer, player-driven resource economy, unlocking non-faction buildings, cosmetics etc.

Under consideration Gameplay Suggestion Suggested by: AfterCrow Upvoted: 22 Apr Comments: 71

Comments: 71