Scaling hunger/dehydration debuffs

54 votes

Instead of the full penalties of hunger and dehydration hitting all at once when it passes 0, break up the debuff into 4-5 stages (and make the later stages even worse) where the first stage is fairly minor

for example, currently thirst is -10 well being, -25% move speed now
could be split into something like:
-1 well being, -5% move speed
-2 well being, -10% move speed
-5 well being, -20% move speed
-10 well being, -30% move speed

this allows temporary things to impact less (like for example distribution post workers on a very long travel)

(similar effects for bots too please, they're arguably worse about it when they run out of their primary power source)

Under consideration Balance Suggested by: Jcheung Upvoted: 24 Apr Comments: 18

Comments: 18