Unable to place Explosives when Wooden Stairs is adjacent instead of Path

3 votes

Pretty simple unexpected "bug" or deficient behaviour.

1. Make a Path in a straight line, add Wooden Stairs up 1 z-level, make a straight Path on this higher level.
2. Place a line of Explosives adjacent and parallel to the path and stairs. Blow it up.
3. Place a new line of Explosives parallel to the path.
4. Note the beavers can place Explosives on z-levels lower than both Path heights, but not the Wooden Stairs.

See attached screenshot for a visual example. I can place the explosives in a line everywhere except the stairs, which requires me to do some decent workarounds.

Perhaps this behaviour is intentional and makes sense in grander setups (e.g. like making an apartment block stairwell).

Done Not a bug Suggested by: Justin Upvoted: 05 Jan, '23 Comments: 2

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