Bug Report Terrain Block Construction Issue

2 votes

When placing Terrain Blocks in a large configuration blocks that are reachable are marked as "Construction is waiting for the contruction behind to be finished. It's acting like there is a block below it that needs to be finished, even when against terrain. The only fix I've found is removing the other Terrain Block blueprints (which are also blocked) around a single blueprint. I'm currently building a large power station for late game play and its really tedious to keep chopping up my mega project's blueprints to get my beavies to build.

*Update* I found out if you build on the opposite side of the construction it they start to build. its acting like a hanging platform that you need to build the floor before. A new game mechanic maybe??

Done Not a bug Suggested by: BurntLizard Upvoted: 02 Feb Comments: 3

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