Translation and text notes for U3 and U4

2 votes

[Hydroponic garden] - description says "cultivates plants" but mushrooms are not plants.
Suggestion EN: "plants and mushrooms", "crops"
Suggestion RU: "растения и грибы", "культуры" (same issue)

[Pile] - biggest problem of Russian version, "Куча" is not even quite "Pile" but rather "Heap" (chaotically dumped things), not to say naming a building this - looks very unnatural.
Suggestion RU: "строительный склад" (building materials storage), "стройдвор" (word often used to name building materials market, literally "build(ing materials) yard")

pile description - translates "bulky resource" as "сыпучие" which is "loose, particulate, granular, dry". In other words substance consisting of small dry particles, that may fit dirt but nothing else.
Suggestion RU: "крупногабаритные" (large-sized)

Under consideration In-game text (EN) Translation (RU) Suggested by: Gin Fuyou Upvoted: 23 May, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2