Wood is too scarce and bottlenecks the early game way too much.

4 votes

I just started playing so maybe I just suck but even when following along with the tutorial I found that I was constantly waiting for wood to be produced. And then right as I was starting to build a workshop to make planks my territory ran entirely out of wood and I was completely stuck. It is impossible to expand to a new source once at the district limit, planks are needed to build stairs to reach trees on other levels as does the forestry shed thing. So I had to either wait till about 40 trees regrew or what I ended up doing, which was scrap at least 5 buildings just to squeeze out a couple planks and finish my staircase to a new batch of trees.

And of course just as I realized how stuck I was, the season changed and the river dried up, making the water wheel I invested in useless and I had to scrap that as well. Obviously I am new to the game and didn't know that happened and to plan for it but still.

Doing some quick math, it takes about 310 logs to complete the tutorial

Under consideration Balance Suggested by: Andrew Upvoted: 29 Jan Comments: 2

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