Food consumption / Statistics

3 votes

This can probably merged with some ingame analytics request.

To me, i haven't spent enough time to get a feel for what is a lot and what is not.
And on a recent game, i had 21 iron-bevers and 4 maturing ones. => 25 total.

The 3rd cycle ended, and the event ( Badwaters ) started, I stashed an almost 300-Watertank fully - and had about the same in foods. Still not knowing if 1 unit of food is equal to any other unit of food or not - but i thought this will get me through the bad time since it should not last too long - assuming any bever has 2-3 units a day ( 1 unit => 1 meal? ). However, before the end of the first day, everything was depleted - water and foods and no clue where it went. And it got me a bit mad, especially since the fields are bigger than a single gatheringpost can handle, and i had 3 in total, the other 2 partially harvesting those fields and wild berries.

I just dont know any way to see what the actual ins and outs of my stock is - especially on consumables.

Under consideration Pending merge Suggested by: Naomi Upvoted: 05 May Comments: 3

Comments: 3