Evaporation Rate in Update 5 seems a bit extreme?

11 votes

I understand that the evaporation rate of water was adjusted somewhat with the new update, largely to account for trying to eliminate the cheeky one tile water dump strat. However it is my opinion that the current rate of evaporation during droughts has been overturned a little. It had admittedly been a bit of time since I last played, but i could swear that large one tile lakes didn't use to evaporate as quickly as they do now (for example, the lake nearest the starting location on the Lakes map). I've had several instances where a long 8 day drought has occurred--and even with flood gates blocking the discharge of the lake and also further down the river near where it leads into the next lake-- the water has completely evaporated by day 2 of the drought....

But this is just my opinion, I just wanted to express it in case other might feel the same. Great update overall though!

Under consideration Balance Suggested by: Daniel Upvoted: 31 Mar Comments: 3

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