Large warehouse and underground pile are overly expensive

1 votes

I mean, I understand that the advantage of the large warehouse is that it provides more *concentrated* storage, which can be useful in niche situations... but most of the time, there is so much space in un-irrigated land that doesn't have much of a use otherwise that just spamming medium warehouses makes way more sense... this is especially so because you can always expand vertically if necessary and spend less on platforms and stairs... expense wise, mediums cost you 90 logs for 1200 units vs 60 logs and 80 planks for the large one, which even makes large worse in terms of base log expenditure... maybe halve the price of the large warehouse?

Same goes to an even bigger extent for the underground pile, although the verticality argument doesn't apply there. Tanks seem the only things that aren't so poorly balanced. There, the main difference is the type of resource spent (mostly a processing workload involved), not the volume...

Under consideration Balance Suggested by: NRade Upvoted: 22 Jan Comments: 0

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