Bug: Timberborn preventing sleep on Mac

1 votes

Mac OS has a timeout for switching off the display and to place the laptop in Sleep mode. Timberborn prevents this from happening. I think it shouldn't, especially if the timberborn screen is not in focus (i.e. control+left arrow to move away from the Timberborn Space/desktop to other programs), but also when in the main menu, when the time is paused in-game, and from my perspective even when the time is not paused in-game, as if I wanted to let it run for a long while, I would go to Mac OS' settings and change that setting intentionally. Timberborn is changing the way my laptop is managing its power states, and from my perspective that ain't legit. I see it as a design bug.

The way to see Timberborn is preventing sleep is through Activity Monitor / CPU tab / activate the "Preventing Sleep" optional column

Under consideration macOS Suggested by: JONATHAN Upvoted: 06 Apr Comments: 0

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