Winter season! And water freezing into ice
Every dry season there could be a chance that the dry season is actually a winter season. This would be like a dry season but with more disadvantages. During the season, rivers would freeze, crops would start dying, and the beavers would also get a "warmth" meter. Keeping this full would require either more campfires or "coats" made out of grass fibers (or maybe other animals that the beavers could domesticate?). Irrigation wouldn't help crops either, but you could build greenhouses to keep crops inside warm during the winter.
Comments: 105
04 Aug, '21
NimrA_How are beavers supposed to build greenhouses?
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18 Aug, '21
Ben LamotheThey might not and instead, have to rely on food reserves to survive those "months".
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19 Aug, '21
Breenseaturtlewith metal coming soon
19 Aug, '21
bob rossinstead of green houses wouldn't it just be torch like lanterns style pit fires things idk what there called but there like pit fires that are raised up
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20 Aug, '21
Gin FuyouWell, since the suggestion skyrocketed (personally I like winter idea a lot, but I think it's not for near future, aka Winter DLC) - here is an idea.
Instead of coats (or in addition to them) - use more natural insulation technique: body fat! So as Cold Season approaches beavers activate two stats: warmth and body fat. To grow fat beavers have to increase they rations greatly, making it an additional mini-challenge to prepare more food than you usually need for the winter.
High body fat stat add insulation to keep beavers warm longer, and if they get hungry they survive longer, but fat stat depletes quickly. -
12 Sep, '21
Revenger210Seconded for body fat mechanic, that would make for a really cool and neat challenge to survive the winter!
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15 Sep, '21
Cr0wned MergedDry in Summer; Cold in Winter; flooding in autumn; Break in Spring or a fast rising population. Include the winter suggestions here.
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16 Sep, '21
Thaina YuMaybe a grill and bakery and fire engine could also help
Making a grill in the middle of potato farm would become common -
16 Sep, '21
Zam!Don't forget about chunks of ice flowing down the river in last days of the winter season threatening to destroy dams in higher flow areas. Let's make it fun in damaging way ;)
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16 Sep, '21
Giangi77but instead of body fat, I would prefer to be able to create garments, if you don't want to put sheep farming to get wool, you can opt for the production of fleece, warm and comfortable garments.
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16 Sep, '21
Caden BiglerI would absolutely pay for a winter DLC!
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17 Sep, '21
pmduda Admin"Seasons, not only Winter" (suggested by Cr0wned on 2021-09-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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18 Sep, '21
John AkersThe beavers could collect ice at 3x slower than regular water and would need a new water storage building that requires logs to keep the water in a liquid state.
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20 Sep, '21
mrtankmanCompletely agree with more seasons.
Would be great to see more weather effects in general. Rain is an obvious start, maybe watering all the soil and allowing puddles to form. Much like desert storms maybe this could cause an explosion of wildflowers in otherwise dry areas? -
22 Sep, '21
ThomasGood guy, winter has come, is also hibernation ah
22 Sep, '21
DojandoI like the idea! And I also like that there is a chance for the dry season to be winter and not an extra season. However The winter would not only be full of disadvantages. Beavers would be able to walk over the frozen water, maybe one of them will slip occasionally :P
And the idea to keep them warm with fire places is great too! Then they do not have only the one reason to exist! -
22 Sep, '21
BellWould be nice to be able to choose between a Temperate climate zone which goes through all the seasons vs a Tropical which just has the Wet and Dry right now.
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23 Sep, '21
RyanAgree with seasons. For winter a tailor building for clothing (if possible on the beaver models to be added), for warmth. Some sort of decoration item that adds warmth, and perhaps can prevent water from freezing if placed correctly. Could also force players to come up with dam systems that keep water flowing so they are less likely to freeze over, compared to sitting water.
23 Sep, '21
Alfredo GonzalezI feel the greenhouse is a bit of a stretch but I totally agree with more seasons.
23 Sep, '21
KuschelCatI'd like a snowy winter too, just for the aesthetics. And also a Christmas tree to hold up motivation during the winter? It could alternatively act as decoration, while the green planters die during winter.
25 Sep, '21
SpykenMaybe make snow fall in higth altitude land,
Let the snow compact it self and form ice.
Also, make ice move very static slow (like water, but slow) and make ice melt in water, when reaching heated land level. -
25 Sep, '21
phung nguyen MergedI think your game should have more than 2 seasons. Maybe 4 seasons just like our life.
For example rainy season and winter.
Hope you see my suggestion and together make the game more better -
25 Sep, '21
Arkovarious "seasons" idea. I see seasons more as random events than a predetermined succession of season A then season B etc. So is drought an event. Season succession may fit if culture follow it though, to get one harvest a year instead of continuous production.
Various ideas and its gameplay incidence
As well there could be floodings (would love some rain effects for it) : involving to provide some flood protections (dikes, retention basins etc.) . Plantation may perish from too much water.
Winter/cold style, beavers need heating (consuming some logs), eating more, drinking less, stop working or working/moving slower. Still or very slow water will freeze.
Drought variations: we have them varying in time, but it could be nice to have them also varying on intensity (having water sources supply instead of totally dried out). Variation would apply to all event by the way.
With the post-apocalyptic scenario of the game we can some more original things like toxic/acid rains f.e. -
25 Sep, '21
Armini think with winter its just an other form of Banished
25 Sep, '21
Seriously Unserious@Cr0wned - flooding would make more sense in the Spring in a winder season map. That's when the snow melt swells rivers most.
25 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Add more seasons!" (suggested by phung nguyen on 2021-09-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Ignis FatuusfIf beavers will prepare for winter with body fat, nuts via tree drop will help. Walnut trees are good as source of both nuts and timbers, for example.
As for tree drops, acorns are also good source of starch.
EDIT: Dang, typo in my name (last f not needed) -
27 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou AdminYeah, it would very cool to see oaks with acorns in the game, and generally more things for gatherers to pick.
As for name, I fear I don't have tools to help with that... -
28 Sep, '21
HamsoloHaving floodings after the winter snow melts would be really cool as well. For example a higher water throughput in the early days of the after-winter season
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28 Sep, '21
BadRAMAs a means to balance this, perhaps the winter season could ease in across the map's different elevation levels, so mountain peaks will freeze first and the frost will work it's way down from there. This way you can build against winter by farming in a valley near the bottom of the map, or even by migrating your beavers to a less elevated area for the duration of the freeze.
29 Sep, '21
MjalgaI dislike this idea for several reasons.
Winter isn’t the ubiquitous season we pretend it is. It’s refreshing to have a game that isn’t entirely based around the four seasons that aren’t actually found worldwide.
If we did have more seasons, I’d prefer it to be regulated to a special map type rather then implemented in every map. The current cycle is by far good enough.
Another reason I’m not fond of winter is that it adds even more elements of randomness to a game that already has a lot of it. There is no way to control the wind, which can be frustrating when you are making things. Even more randomness would be frustrating, at least to me. Some of the winter suggestions are also destructive to your game. Random dam destruction or path reworking for a season would be very frustrating.
I wouldn’t mind snow in very high peak areas, that could make a fun aesthetic. Rain could also be in line with the current two season cycle present. Maybe a few rainy days while it’s wet? -
02 Oct, '21
PhylanWith the comment saying some problems with a winter feature you could have easy have less of the destructive ones and hard becomes not sure longer dry/winter seasons but also worse conditions etc, this could maybe happen for other seasons too such as rain season hard also gets storms. Plus the idea that certain maps have a pre selected seasons so mountains for example could be change into just a normal/winter season, plains could just be dry/normal some have all 4 these could also be added to custom maps, you pick what
You want.
You could trial it for people see what parts of the feature they do/don’t like and I think this could easily be a paid dlc if enough content was added espically with an extra map/beaver faction not sure on lore (not that I mind but I know some do). -
09 Oct, '21
RakazielI would make winter optional - something you can add at map creation (simply via check box) but do not have to. Thousand Islands would look awesome in winter but at the same it does not really fit - like the Mississippi delta freezing over
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11 Oct, '21
SirMichael Admin MergedPlease repost suggestion in English
This post will be deleted -
13 Oct, '21
MikaelPlease no winter! The game is so much better than Banished and all the other survive the winter games!
13 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou AdminKolja, game already has very flexible difficulty modes and it's not that hardcore survival game. We don't mean Winter as one, and it may be optional anyway.
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15 Oct, '21
NacoranI don't like the idea of there being a chance that a dry season is a winter... I mean, yes, sometimes you have mild and severe winters but it's not some random event. If there is a winter it should be on a schedule, even if how severe it is might vary.
Deeper water should be less likely to freeze- maybe also depending on how much sun the area gets. Maybe you could add ice houses- another way for beavers to store water, and maybe to in hard mode a resource you'd need to keep food from spoiling?
I don't like the idea of needing beaver clothing. Beavers are covered in fur and live in the water. They do just fine in the winter. Maybe living without a lodge might be dangerous though. -
18 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"iverno e dependencia de calor" (suggested by edilson fernando da silva souza on 2021-10-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Oct, '21
PeterDrought in summer and frozen rivers (and dying crops) in winter would be quite awesome.
29 Oct, '21
DrailSeasonal Mode could be nice, but definitely not a random thing. Heck, a seasonal mode instead of an random drought mode could be pretty interesting. Choose which one you want when launching the game. You'd expect the map to start in the favorable spring, I imagine, before summer, then fall and then winter.
08 Nov, '21
mrfooglesI like that this isn't just a longer drought: it adds new requirements and a lot of atmosphere.
11 Nov, '21
BobrNice idea, but winter should not be too long or we just gonna run out of food and water
11 Nov, '21
SapioitI think all factions should have the fireplace, but the greenhouse should be one of the 2-3 defining factors of a new faction. It would be interesting to have factions have different effectiveness depending on the options we play on, like winter mode, and maybe other options, too. I think there should be the option for having both the dry season, and the freezing season, in the same game. That way, summers can be dry and winters can have the water harvesting limited and need heating for both farms and for beavers.
14 Nov, '21
HappyBeaverI'd like winter. You would have to cut ice blocks and melt them, in order to restock on water somehow.
I also REALLY like the bodyfat-option!! -
23 Nov, '21
Michael PorterI was thinking the fire pits could add a ring of warmth. Also adding torches for smaller effect and path lighting.
I also think winter should be a option at the start, alongside Iron Teeth. With different buildings and cycles. I.e. winter replaces the dry season. -
27 Nov, '21
Chris. M.Hi,
I had also the Winter season in mind as a proposal.
But I would not made it destroying the content of the field, just stop them growing, and you cannot harvest.
You still have water you can pump, but only with deeper depth.
And of course, snow!!! -
27 Nov, '21
Laurens MergedMaybe you can add winter, meaning you have to stock up on food, drink, and energy for warmth?
28 Nov, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"More harsh weather" (suggested by Laurens on 2021-11-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Dec, '21
"How are beavers supposed to build greenhouses?"
I think they are not supposed to. They will have to store food for winter or die. -
02 Dec, '21
SandroI like the ideas of more different weather conditions! Also Rain, Storms, forest fires that can happen during dry season, Flooding, and Winter (although I think winters should be regularly spaced, every couple dry seasons). Iced over rivers also sound great. Maybe snowstorms can block passages that have to be cleared, so you switch priorities to make your paths usable again. Potatoes are already an excellent food for stocking in the Winter.
If keeping warm and dealing with cold becomes a mechanic, you could have a similar system as with power, but for heat: A building that "heats" (like the potato grill, and special "heating buildings") can keep adjacent buildings warm, and if you place homes next to them, there is space for many beavers to be warm. This is a lot, I don't expect everything to be integrated at once, but it makes like very nice gameplay and more "dangers" and tricky situations.