Caves and Tunnels, place dirt soil blocks on overhangs and rooftops, underground
Beavers do burrow and so tunnels to quickly connect through the land. Maybe a new faction idea. Caves can be dug beneath the houses to provide for extra housing and stuff.
[mod edit]: added image from suggestion by MiasKolben
[mod edit July 2024]: With new overhangs features caves are more realistic now, title was updated
Comments: 110
17 Sep, '21
pmduda Admin"Tunnels" (suggested by Lililily on 2021-09-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Sep, '21
Mud Hare MergedThe ability to explode Tunnels through landscape or to stack on top of a dam section to create a water flow channel
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19 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"To Dig Diversion Tunnels" (suggested by Mud Hare on 2021-09-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Sep, '21
pmduda Admin"tunnels" (suggested by jim on 2021-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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23 Sep, '21
hcf64And maybe add a variety of food (mushrooms) that's grown underground.
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26 Sep, '21
Teddythefire MergedThere could be miner flags and you could also get stone to make stronger or bigger buildings
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03 Oct, '21
slippy Mergedhow about tunnels so we can dig through mountains. have beavers controlled dams so we can have them manage the water levels
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05 Oct, '21
pmduda Admin"tunnels/beaver controled dams" (suggested by slippy on 2021-10-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Oct, '21
JD Mergedto add some new paths and stairs to make better use of the narrow paths, like tunnels so you can still make farms or tress above them , spiral staircase so you dont need to make a maze when putting building on top of each other.
Also when building stairs or something it you dont need to delete the path to build it will just do it for you -
07 Oct, '21
EgorkaI agree with this idea. It's going to be amazing
09 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Tunneling through mountain for mining, water diversion, transportation; mineshafts" (suggested by Spark on 2021-10-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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09 Oct, '21
Kyle WIt would be great for many reasons. I was personally trying to do it with the dynamite before coming here; wanted to put in some underground housing.
16 Oct, '21
Daniel Elmaliah Mergedthe vertical aspect of the game has a ton of potential and i would like to see it expanded, such as having caves and explosives that damage 3 tiles for example, so i could make a little hole in the ground then get these 3 tile bombs and build a lil cave to make more use of space :)
16 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Caves N stuff" (suggested by Daniel Elmaliah on 2021-10-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Oct, '21
Kenneth FerlandThe ground material should be differentiated into types, with some kind of Stone bedrock wich is can only be dug with dynamite which rather then vaporizing it just turns in into gravel which is a common material that much of the ground or river bottom will be made of.
01 Nov, '21
mjevansCurrently the game is very 2d+height based. Terrain is just a depth field. Water is sort of depth + flows (and a moisture value that's mostly there for history and precache); all of the land is 2D.
Only 'entities' might stack, player added structures such as scaffolds and paths and buildings.
It seems logical caves / tunnels could be added on top of the world as other player created entities.
Different types of land, maybe changes to moisture propagation? Those are questions on a completely different level of change. To make the world (saves and all code) think in 3D rather than 2D. -
11 Nov, '21
Lyswen MergedAlready a well deserved congrats with the current game! I'm having tons of fun!
I really like the idea of tunnels! both for efficiency and beautifycation of the game! -
11 Nov, '21
Zam! Admin"Tunnels!" (suggested by Lyswen on 2021-11-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Nov, '21
gilang500Maybe a tropico 6 like tunnels where we only need to make the enterance and exit. Beavers will just "teleport" through.
07 Dec, '21
MiasKolben MergedBeavers could use the ground for living. They could build caves with "Tools" additional to use wood to build on them. With that method, buildings like the stockpile could build on them, beacuse their roofs are "ground/earth". And tunnels would help to transport water threw hills or maybe connect districts. For tunnels you can also use wood, beacause you need them as joist/beam ( I have a lot of fun playing this game, thank you!!!)
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08 Dec, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Tunnel/Burrows" (suggested by MiasKolben on 2021-12-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Dec, '21
SandroAlso being able to place levees on top of wooden Platforms and a Floodgate in front would allow an unlimited Dam size while still being able to use the entire water reserve. That way the water can be retrieved from the bottom instead of the top.
22 Dec, '21
ItDoesntMatter Merged3 buildings
1. entrance building with operator for power
2. tunnel blocks that have light. Each needs X power to operate.
3. exit building
First you place entrance building. Then tunnel blocks
To create tunnel path/place tunnel blocks, you get special tool in toolbar that can select soil tiles and mark them as tunnel blocks.
For creating tunnel path you will first need to select tile height to remove visibility of upper soil tiles(tool is already available in the game) and to mark where tunnel-blocks will be put.
To make a connection(and for entrance building to calculate power based on tunnel-blocks-length) you place exit building. -
22 Dec, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Tunnels" (suggested by ItDoesntMatter on 2021-12-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Jan, '22
deadlyjack MergedI'd like to see the possibility to build:
• Beaver Mineshafts, or a Beaver Tunnel. This item should actually exist amongst the road-toolbar.
Build tunnels that goes through mountains for the chance to create new and more clean-looking district-paths.
Give each dirt-block a 10% chance to have scrap metal.
deadlyjack -
19 Jan, '22
Dwane Diblie Merged3 good suggestions.
For me, priority would be spiral/corner stairs. One exiting to the left and one to the right.
Then the auto detection of paths when placing something ontop of it. Give us a popup window asking if we want to delete the paths underneath.
As for the tunneling, I feel there is room for 2 things here. First is a platform than can have soil on top of it. Usable to farm, but not for trees.
Second is mining tunnels through the earth with a Mining shack. This would require workers, logs and scrap metal to make picks for the workers, and maybe power to run the mining carts that take the debris out of the tunnel. -
22 Jan, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Tunnels [merge]" (suggested by deadlyjack on 2022-01-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Jan, '22
Jexadox Mergedomg i hate stairs currently. i want something that allows far LESS platforms but ability to get to a 2nd, 5th... 100th level up w/o needed more than the buildings to make ramps.
id recomend a stackable tile that is a sprial stair case, enterable from any direction and exitable from any direction. if that seems too OP, make it a slow climb, and expensive to build. but using up so much space for platforms is not apealing or economic. -
29 Jan, '22
Jexadox Mergedoh i love the idea of mining tunnels! great idea!
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29 Jan, '22
Dragane MergedI recently had trouble with stairs. I don't know if it was a bug or me but the worker didn't cross a bridge because there was a staircase just after it so i had to change everything. and they should be able to work from the staircase as well
16 Apr, '22
DracoDruid MergedA spiral staircase is definitely missing.
Or at least a 90° turn stair.
Also, why not make stairs half as wide so beavers can still walk past them? -
27 Apr, '22
Mark TaylorIf you combine this with the Cart & Rail suggestion, you could have the beginnings of a (fantasy) dwarf-like faction who could dig underground and build extensive mine networks, and maybe farm fungus and such. Or, conversely, it could just be more stuff to add to the Ironborn to differentiate them better.
19 Jul, '22
Hawkeightmaybe empty-handed beavers who walk through the tunnel get a small chance of coming out the other side with a piece of Scrap Metal
01 Sep, '22
RolepgeekIf the devs ever manage to get the water mechanics so this could work, this might be a good place to make the Golems from the experimental branch do more stuff if only they're allowed to dig tunnels. Might also be able to set it up as a particularly weird building/set of buildings that can flood but doesn't actually pass water through, as some people above have suggested.
25 Sep, '22
LachlanI would love to also see the ability for the tunnel to be flooded and irrigate the ground above it. :)
24 Oct, '22
AshpenceUnderground mushroom farming. Bat breeding for sulphuric compounds. Wellspring and hot spring discovery.
15 Nov, '22
teklinnAdd tunnels through land to IronTeeth and treat them like bridges, with set distances. Add tunnels or airlocks to Folktails going through levees, maybe a 1x3x1 structure.
23 Dec, '22
Derjulian01 Mergedwith maps not having much space to build a village i´d like the idea of having a mine going undergroung (under the map) where you can dig up space for buildings or stograge you dont have place for normally.
(of course not being able to do that when your up on a mountain.)
this idea could be expanded like having premade caves or when digging space under a river or a lake water will start to flood the place.
Maybe even a faction that starts up in a underground cave or having special building like cauldrons able to get the water dripping down to the underground
my idea to implement is to copy the size of the map and flatten it while remembering the tiles with water and the height of access (like you only can place a mine and acess the underground if the blocks are under the set height). from there you have a 3x3 infront of your entrance where you can dig about 5-6 tiles down and to the sides. -
27 Dec, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Suggestion: Underground Map" (suggested by Derjulian01 on 2022-12-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Dec, '22
Ronin MergedThis goes more into the custom map designing category of suggestions. I was making a map quite recently and found myself having to cut valleys into my landscape for rivers to pass through as well as having to cut walls into my rivers to make a bridge connecting one river to another. Being able to make a hole into the landscape would be a lot easier as well and cinematic. The picture below shows exactly the problem. I originally made a river there but had to cut it off to make the river above. It would be nice if you could cut into the wall to make an opening for the river below to flow through without disturbing the terrain above. Also, I love the game as well as the fact that yall take suggestions from the community, I believe your actions will lead to a truly amazing game even though the game is already spectacular.
30 Dec, '22
dargon claw Mergedmaybe you should like in map creator make it so you can put holes in the walls?
01 Jan, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"More suggestions" (suggested by Ronin on 2022-12-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Jan, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"hole in wall" (suggested by dargon claw on 2022-12-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Jan, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"Underground caves, ruins, ores, ETC. that you can also build in" (suggested by Teddythefire on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (17) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Jan, '23
Kytten MergedIt would be super cool if we could create caves, at least when designing maps - Maybe the option to extend over an edge without support for like 10-15 blocks?
14 Jan, '23
Chris MergedIt would be great to have tunnels so that you don't have to constantly tear down what was already built, especially when cutting channels for new irrigation.
17 Jan, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"Caves" (suggested by Kytten on 2023-01-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Jan, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"Caves and tunnels" (suggested by Chris on 2023-01-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '23
JaydenI think Tunnels are a great idea. In previous games I've wanted to hide pipes underground but I found that it's not possible as the Terrain Block isn't able to sit on the platforms. I think a great way to make this feature work is to just allow the terrain blocks to go on top of platforms or maybe you could add a new metal platform using metal blocks which is stronger for holding heavier Weights which could hold the terrain block.
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05 Jun, '23
DanOh man, subterranean faction!