Weather forecast Station - drought and badtide prediction system
Aligning with some of the other suggestions that involve increased variation of weather, I propose that a weather station should be added as a worked building. This could help to provide an expected forecast for the next 5 or so days, and even help to predict the length of the next dry season.
Comments: 32
19 Sep, '21
Gin FuyouI'm strongly against it being high cost, it's a building most required at early-mid game, so it should be relatively cheap. Bit aside of that I vote up.
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24 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"can you add a way to see drouts faster with a building?" (suggested by Danielward12 on 2021-09-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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25 Sep, '21
Lion-Ryethe wether man do what the wether man can
27 Sep, '21
LaceyDawnAnd requires an educated beaver to run it. I agree about late game. Its an advanced tech.
28 Sep, '21
Gin FuyouLaceyDawn as it's now it's absolutely useless in late game, where you are completely prepared with cascades of dams and already know map conditions. If more weather challenges are added then we'll see but it's really pointless to make it "advanced" now.
28 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin> Natural Floods and weather tower.
> Small chance of water level rising by one during wet season in harder difficulties. New building added "weather tower" that lets you know ahead of time when a flood or drought may occur.
> by boxestbike5181
(fixing a wrong merge) -
28 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Natural Floods and weather tower." (suggested by boxestbike5181 on 2021-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Oct, '21
ShonketAnd the weather forecast should only be accurate up to 85% of the time just like in the real world. Keep a little surprise in there.
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12 Oct, '21
Seriously UnseriousI added a suggestion for random events, which could include fires, flash floods and anything else anyone can come up with. Having a weather tower as an advanced tech to help predict them so we can adjust our flood gates to compensate for a known large influx of water or other situations would be very helpful. I agree it should be more of a mid-late game tech. While it's more needed early game, early game does have the advantage of the handicap period where dry seasons/droughts are of reduced length as it is. Mid-late game is when the droughts can become long enough to strain even a well prepared water management system, so knowing how big a drought's going to be to know if you need to take extra precautions to hold back as much water as possible or just let the flood gates/dams do their thing and not worry about it.
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13 Oct, '21
doomvaderMaybe you don't get the 3 day warning before a drought or the duration of a drought if you dont have this building.
01 Dec, '21
NeffsterLike this building maybe it is two stages - early game stage would be like a "weather rock" so you get limited information or don't see as far out but get more than what we get now. later game mechanics we get a weather station so we can get a more detailed forecast longer out
04 Feb, '22
VasI suggest that this be a building that works with additional buildings to improve the forecast, and that we shorten the default weather warning to 1 day.
The building should be a tower type structure, much like the forester except taller. At least 3 times taller. This building will cost logs, planks, gears, possibly even some scrap metal.
One building alone, will give you a day's warning when weather is about to change. Not much notice really, but extends the drought counter by 1 day.
Two buildings, will work together, adding 150% efficiency but only if separated by a decent amount. A display should show while placing if the building is too close to another. If spaced apart far enough, they both provide a 1.5 day bonus warning, thus making 3 day + 1 day default.
Additional buildings increase efficiency of all the others and their-selves.
A building loses efficiency when closer to another, so you can build them close, but they will lose efficiency and become more worthless too close. -
12 Feb, '22
Fluddy MergedI find it strange that the beavers can predict how long the drought is. The beginning - ok. They can feel the winds getting drier or something like that. But I would like it if you need a special building for forecasting the length of the drought. I would say, an early mid-game building. Maybe a scout or so? Manned with one beaver. He could also predict other weather changes. E.g. in the beginning you can only see clear weather, drought ahead or clouds on the horizon. But once you have the scout you can see if it's a storm or just a rain shower and how long it's gonna last and how long the droughts going to last.
12 Feb, '22
Zam! Admin"Drought/Weather forecast" (suggested by Fluddy on 2022-02-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Feb, '22
Beaver MergedOnce a drought has been announced give an estimate how long it is going to last (min/max). This would enable better planning how many supplies need to be stored.
19 Feb, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Add estimation of next drought duration" (suggested by Beaver on 2022-02-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Mar, '22
barrel_shifterI wish this weather station could also estimate how many m3/s of water will come out of the source each days
13 Aug, '22
StwfAgree. Drought warnings are too good early in the game you should have to invest to see them coming a few days in advance. Invest more to know when they will be ending, and how much water to expect. I’d also like to see a super drought mode. As noted later in he game I can survive any drought even if I get surprised, so you need to keep that interesting. Then knowing a 12 day drought was on the way would be useful information.
14 Nov, '22
A beaver MergedI was disappointed upon learning that my hard earned observatory only produced extra science, at which point I had almost everything unlocked (the problem of excess science gets addressed in other suggestions). But the observatory building itself should serve a function related to it being an observatory. I suggest unlocking slightly more accurate drought prediction (such as "drought incoming in 6-12 days") since the observatory looks to the sky.
20 Nov, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Make the Observatory have a weather related useful funtion" (suggested by A beaver on 2022-11-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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08 Dec, '22
NyoraiaThe weather station should consume science points to be able to predict the weather up to 85% accuracy (increases as science is consumed and decreases otherwise).
No science, no weather prediction. -
22 Dec, '22
Klima MergedRemember that clicking noise when a drought is announced? It's always 7 times, but it could be one time for each day of the whether, like if the drought is 9 days log then it would click 9 times.
This implementation would be interesting because it would require some "skill" to be able to know how many days it wold be -
26 Dec, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Ability to predict the wether" (suggested by Klima on 2022-12-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Jan, '23
SomaObservatory looks at the stars, not the sky. Stars change with seasons, not with weather, so it doesn't provide any other information than a Sun dial would.
My suggestions for weather station:
- Add a Sun dial (tells the day of the year, and so the season). Has potential usage with farming.
- Use the wind gauge. Wind direction changes do predict changes in weather.
- Maybe use the stream gauge. Changes in the speed/level of water tell upstream changes.
- Weather station could measure humidity with an hygrometer made from beaver fur. Increased humidity are related to the wet season/rain.
- A beaver would work in the weather station by looking at the different instruments and the sky, then give a weather prediction.
- Nothing here requires technology, it could be an early bulding necessary to tell incoming/ending of a drought.
Pressure and temperature are also basics measurements on any weather station, but I dont see how these could be measured without including glass into the game. -
25 Jul, '23
Alfakr0llThe starting cost of a weather station should be "relatively cheap", but there should be a (costly) upgrade to extend the time range and accuracy on the forecasting.
Also possibility for a weather control to use science point (and/or other resources) to extend length on temperate weather and reduce length on the dry season (or other negative seasons that are implemented) -
19 Dec, '23
wlkLet this building consume Science points - then this building could be cheap and available from beginning, but at a cost.
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26 Jan, '24
Peter Hazlewood MergedI'd like to see a new role or building in the game, perhaps a science/weather-type person, who can predict (mostly accurately) when the next badtide is going to happen. It could cost a LOT of science but I think this is a fun and interesting option.
30 Jan, '24
Gin Fuyou Admin"Badtide weather predictor" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Mar, '24
RockofSusaI like the ideas you guys have.
The existing 3 day forecast could be a helping at the start, like the shorter droughts. There accuracy could be 85%, like some of you mentioned.
After aprox. cycle 5 there should be an note, that you need to build a weather station with this you'll get 65% accurate forecast. And in addition with the observatory and a water quality lab nearby (in a perimeter of 3 tiles to each other) their could be a bonus to get more accurate data up to 100%. Also would it be great if nearby is no farming, mechanics, power-generation in a perimeter of 5 tiles. If you build in this perimeter your accuracy shrinks.
At the start and the end of the drought their could also be pollution (like 25-50% badwater) in the water, as an optical indication in addition to a less powerfull spring.
Thanks for your work =) -
17 Aug, '24
DasOFor a the herd mode I would suggest to unlock the 3 day forecast with the weather station
27 Aug, '24
williwom69 Mergedgive the folk tails a "forecaster" building that would let them see what weather is coming up like 5 days in advance and make default weather notification 1 day
30 Aug, '24
Gin Fuyou Admin"forecaster" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-08-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.