Bug: oscillating Water / waves

197 votes

Servus, After finishing a dam on a levee, and after the following draught, the water started oszilating erratically. In the screenshot the bay overflows regularly and then flows(!) out nearly to the point of drying within ingame hours, although i placed dams in the bay and further down the stream. I can provide a savegame if you so desire.


Mod edit:
one fix for this is, ironically, less dams. for plains specifically, 4 dams is the max you should have.

for other maps that you have this problem with, you can test by building a wall of 2 height floodgates and closing one at a time until flooding starts, then opening one and seeing if it drains properly.

dams actively push/pull water, which will cause waves as the response lags behind what's actually needed. more dams means the amplitude of this wave is larger, and interaction with dams downstream further amplifies the waves.

Under consideration Bug Suggested by: Myricaulus Upvoted: 21 Apr Comments: 69

Comments: 69