MAP EDITOR suggestion: water drain/sink and other water based elements

12 votes

As the game is all about managing water and creating reservoirs to survive dry seasons, adding additional elements that interact with water should open up multiple possibilities for map creation. I suggest adding:

- water drain/sink/cave opening- a natural element that will absorb water comming near it

- cracked rocks - a natural water permeable block that allows limite water flow, while also allowing placement of buildings on top

- rock archway - a natural "bridge" suitable for paths and building placement (several sizes and widths)

- solid ruins (metal resource block that does not let water through)

- bog/marsh - a ground (dirt) block that can absorb water that flows over it and stay hydrated for a limited time in dry season even without adjacent water reservoir or flowing water. Provides hydration to neighboring blocks in small radius.

Under consideration Map editor Suggestion Suggested by: Zam! Upvoted: 03 Mar, '23 Comments: 5

Comments: 5