Advanced water source settings: variable, time-limited, changing strength

23 votes

Due to very limited control over water sources currently available in the editor, I would like to suggest several additional options for them:

- Split settings for activity during all seasons. Right now we only control over strength, but it could be useful to allow selecting in which season a source is active and set separate strengths for each season.

- "Allow overflow" - right now it is set as default, but turning it off would disable the ability to fill any blocks above the level of source block itself. Useful for making small ponds and lakes that only fill to a certain depth.

- "Source fluctuations" - allows to set a range of water source strength that will be randomly changed every few in-game hours. This is meant to be an option to slightly up the map difficulty.

- "Activity limit/timer" - allows the source to be set only to work in certain hours. This could also be tied to seasons, like the first proposed functionality.

Under consideration Map editor Suggestion Suggested by: Zam! Upvoted: 29 Apr Comments: 14

Comments: 14