Iron Teeth Automatic Birth Control

23 votes

I will try to keep this short and sweet. Basically, I suggest that the ironteeth birthing chambers be changed where they will pause themselves from popping out a kit if there is not housing available for them. This would make controlling ironteeth population much easier similar to folktails. As it is right now, I have to micromanage turning off and on birthing chambers (there are a lot of them) which really takes away from the fun of playing ironteeth.

What I really liked about the folktails is that I could easily control the population by just controlling how much housing was available. I always keep the number of housing slightly higher than the number of jobs which is a nice buffer for population that takes up housing but isn't old enough to be in the workforce yet.

Under consideration Game mechanics Suggestion Suggested by: LumberJack Upvoted: 28 Mar Comments: 11

Comments: 11