Map part concepts: pavement, junk cars, Rabbit warrens, Human trash.

20 votes

Just a few random item ideas for map makers.


This 1x1 flat tile is a unique ground type that can't support life, the only way to remove it is to blast it which doesn't lower the terrain. Normally this ground is completely useless but if you place a cooking facility or industrial facility on it they will get a small productivity boost from the stable ground.

Junk cars

2x1 wrecks of human vehicles, they hold 10-30 salvage depending on if it is car, truck, or van. generally found on top of pavement

Human trash

info: small piles of trash about a half block tall, completely useless acts like a natural barrier but shorter generally used as a path blocker.

natural items

Rabbit warren

Small feral rabbits, will steal carrots and much on nearby berries, if near beavers some will take them as pets.

Old growth tree, a 2x2 tree that is 2-4 tall, grows trees around it at a higher rate.

Nested tree

A tree with a bee hive or bird nest gives bonus to crops

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: warbrand2 Upvoted: 06 Feb Comments: 2

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