Comfort level suggestion: power and lighting

10 votes

right now there is a single level of comfort which is given for housing. But here is a suggestion for increasing it.

comfort2: this is given for lighting and relaxation locations, these being as follows

info: a small wooden Brazier that gives comfort in a 3 block range, also increases work effectiveness around it.

Info: already in game, gives a place to relax if overworking ones self. Generally used by haulers.


comfort 3: this is given by running power to houses, each house takes 10 units of power to get this comfort.

Houses with power also activate an internal 10 water and 10 food storage allowing food to be kept there. Beavers will try to bring food to there houses during off hours while water workers will try to put water in every house they can when barrels are full.


ALT Comfort level ideas
1. has a home
2. home has power (gives 10 food and 10 water storage to the house for folktails 30 each for iron tooth)
3. house is soft.(paper)

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: warbrand2 Upvoted: 31 Jul, '23 Comments: 7

Comments: 7