[Feedback] Waiting game

2 votes

Several points here.

#1: The tutorial does not teach building a dam, which means the initial village is likely to perish during the first drought. You need to include building a dam and prevent the first drought from happening until it's done, because that's kind of the point of the game.

#2: Once you do have a (reasonably placed) dam, you have negated the only thing that opposes the player. You literally can't lose from that point on, unless you mess up really badly, and if there's no way to lose, then there's no way to win either.

#3: I understand that many people enjoy simply putting bricks on top of each other, which wouldn't require any other winning or losing conditions per se. Personally though, I enjoy having some incentive. If my old dam is in perfect condition, functionally sufficient and building a bigger one isn't so difficult that it's an achievement in itself, then why would I do it?

Done Feedback Suggested by: ventrue Upvoted: 09 Jan, '22 Comments: 2

Comments: 2