[Suggestion] Score attack mode and flood mode

4 votes

Right now there is no way to interact with other players at all. Multiplayer may not be the easiest to implement, but a score attack mode with a weekly map and a score board would be perfect to add player interaction.

Here is how it would work:
- One map is selected or published every week for the weekly score attack.
- Season and cycle length is not randomized to create even ground for the competition
- game starts with 10 days of wet and 10 days of dry season
- each cycle the dry season is 1 day longer and wet season is one day shorter
- the wet season stops decreasi g at 4 days, the dry season NEVER stops growing longer
- at the end of each cycle the game counts pints for population, resources and other results
- once the colony dies, the end result is recorded in the leaderboard

The second mode could be a fun weekly mode called "flood". Game starts with multiple water sources at power 1 and each season all water sources increase strength by 1 or new sources open. No scoreboard.

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: Zam! Upvoted: 28 Jul, '23 Comments: 3

Comments: 3