One-time add of one or two beavers if entire population dies (Easy/Normal mode)

5 votes

I just started a new game, my first with Iron Teeth. I did not get my lumberjacks started quick enough, and everyone ended up dying of thirst. It made me think that it might be nice to have a "rescue" of one or two beavers (two would make more sense for Folktails, for reproductive purposes) if you have an otherwise decent setup but you fell short in timing or you accidentally flooded or died from a drought, as an alternative to just starting over from scratch (or trying to find a good save to restore). This would be especially helpful to new players, and anyone who might step away from their computer while the game was still running.

Ideally, they might start with a small amount of resources, enough to stay alive while growing new crops, pumping new water, etc. With the existing buildings, it would just be a matter of keeping things going and the population growing to recover.

This might be in combination/addition to a "Game Over, all beavers died" screen.

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: JY Upvoted: 05 Jan, '23 Comments: 0

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