Science point sinks (Late game use for Science points, SP consuming buildings)

45 votes

Some buildings could use science points to work. This could give use to them in late game. The list of SP-consuming buildings:
- School. Consumes books and SP. Makes maturation longer, But the beavers who finished the school get permanent productivity bonus. Maybe some advanced jobs could require educated beaves only.
- Hospital. Gradually increases the beaver lifespan.
- Publisher. Enchances the quality of books. A beaver gets more knowledge from 1 book and the book also satisfies some random need other than knowledge.
- Constructor lab. Enchanses industrial building speed. Randomly unlocks upgrades for them.
- Agriculture lab.
- Builder lab. - Reduces building costs. Boosts housing comfort. Gives a possibility to build elite housing.
- Tabletop games workshop (makes games of wood and paper). Games satisfy social needs.

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: Anton Upvoted: 28 Mar Comments: 16

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