Return Observatory or similar to Ironteeth

6 votes

Removing the observatory from the Iron-Teeth tech tree has greatly reduced the variety of tech choices. Because the Number-Cruncher requires metal blocks, you are almost forced to go for the engine, because metal sources are rarely placed near power . This locks the Number-Cruncher into the late game because of the number of gears required to obtain the engine, smelter, and the Cruncher itself. The observatory in comparison is available very quickly, and it is much less expensive, which allows Folktails to make more choices. I like the faction differentiation, but Ironteeth need a way to obtain science mid-game that isn't locked behind so many gears. If instead of going for the Number-Cruncher path, you go for the Bakery tech path, you could have 200+ beavers by the time you reach the Cruncher, which removes the need for the Number-Cruncher in the first place, because you could have 100 inventors doing the same thing, and have the food to keep growing.

Under consideration Balance Suggestion Suggested by: Kyle Upvoted: 07 Jul, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2