Make explosives mid game or let me dig!

7 votes

I have spent 163 hours in Timberborn and by far my biggest problem with the game is the environment. Most maps don't have a large enough base to start building substantial settlements. It's so restrictive. I've quit more games after an hour than I've even started on most other titles because I get to a point where I find there's no more room for expansion and if I do continue to play I feel forced to rush explosives before everything else. I just can't get a decent-sized farm and forest alongside housing/storage/industrial zones. I usually have to scatter things around and it's just a mess. By the time you get dynamite, you have to delete pretty much everything you've built so you can build it again now that you actually have space.
My recommendation is either make explosives easier to access for one of the factions (Probably Iron Teeth) or add another feature that allows you to adjust the environment, maybe a digger station or quary or something. Maybe make it slower for balance?

Under consideration Balance Suggested by: Kiwi Upvoted: 18 Oct, '23 Comments: 10

Comments: 10