Map editor Not Responding after Alt+Tab

3 votes

When in the map editor and alt tabbing to a diffrent tab upon coming back the game doenst respond for a couple of minutes, sometimes it continues and sometimes it takes to long and i just close the program.

How to recreate this bug:

1. grapics: full screen
2. map with a 5-10 water sources
3. run the simulation at max speed for a bit (don't pauze it)
4. Alt+Tab away form timberborn
5. Wait 20-60 seconds
6. Go back into timberborn
and upon returning game seems to calculate all water at once and just get stuck, windows will show the not responding error depending on how much water has to be calculated.

Under consideration Bug Map editor Suggested by: Ruben Upvoted: 28 Jun, '23 Comments: 0

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