Things that make no sense in this game

1 votes

1. Crops do not need to be near a road to plant but they do to be removed?
2. When you run out of food/water then get it back into production all the beavers still die because none eat or drink until there is enough for all.
3. Berry bushes and fields are full of crops and the beavers starve to death because no one will gather if hungry. Dito with water. Bet your bottom dollar humans would raid fields and waterways for food water if starving. All other work would stop for this.
4. Dessert level drought is the challenge in the game. Beavers are not from desert areas. They are more likely to experience flooding, forest fires, frozen water and damaged structures, than zero water.
5. The river's water flow still controls if water exists in damned areas. The nature of a dam is to back up water long term so that it's always a minimum level. River flow becomes irrelevant on if water exists in those spaces. This shows the water dam system has been modeled to human damns, not beavers.

Done Feedback Suggested by: AJ Valentine Upvoted: 13 Feb, '23 Comments: 3

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