Priority tools, Settings

4 votes

1. Mark an area and set new Prio 1 to 5
1.1. for different types destruction, building, workers... (fast remove an area like many single tiles)
1.2. Add a SuperHighPrio for constructions
1.3. inerherit "top-layer Prio" to lower-layer buildings while construction
2. add hotkeys for prio's :D .. and pleasemake the hotkeys "variable :)"
3. Waterpumps without Water should have an internal lower Prio when the same Prio is set with a pump which have water left to pump
3.1 or add a sciencebuilding like "WokrforceManager :)" for effective position a Beaver-Job
4. set a Beaver move to district prioriry, or spread out in averange :) the average is nice as well :) thanks for this new feature! :)
Thanks for all your work!

Done Feedback Suggested by: DieGuteLaunePille Upvoted: 26 Aug, '23 Comments: 0

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