very nice game but more fun with :

1 votes

it would be great if we could reverse the door of each building (key R ie) indeed we can optimize space even more. It is strange that the beavers cannot cross the rivers without stairs. The easy mode is a lot too easy (cycle 20 drought: 2 days) and the difficult mode is a lot too difficult (drought too long too soon: cycle 1), between the two the duration of the drought does not increase fast enough (until cycle 15 quite easy) there is really a big difference between normal and difficult. an intermediate level would be good but I don't know how to set it up. another improvement would be to be able to place the blueprint on trees that the beavers would have to cut down (and use) (on other resources will be destroyed). A tool to destroy paths only would be great. a mixed faxion with the buildings of the ironteeth and the logic of the rustic (wind turbine) would be perfect, plus if burning wood can make energy why not solan panel? (Like water warming in iron) seems logic in drought time.

Done Feedback Suggested by: Marie Upvoted: 20 Mar, '23 Comments: 4

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