My UX of game.FPS and UI suggestion

2 votes

I hope to optimize some game data.
Currently playing with 325 beavers... the normal speed is about 15 FPS.
After acceleration, about FPS 12...
feel pity.

1. Looking at the work button can be divided into city groups.
2. In the middle and late stages, there are a lot of factories,
It is too troublesome to close one by one.
In the working interface, use the left button or the right button to press and hold to close.
3. The user interface will display the quantity, and I hope that the location of the item can be displayed after clicking.
4. The factory can display and directly store and display text.
Click the text and jump out of the detailed item to close. Or the city directly closes a certain factory.
5. I hope that the members will be affected by weather systems or floods.
6. Display the amount of food and water consumed in a day.

Sorry for not being familiar with English.
The Pic FPS 60 , it's pause mode:)

Under consideration Feedback Suggested by: Hsu Upvoted: 13 Dec, '23 Comments: 0

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