suggestions by Rishabh Yadav

1 votes

Environmental Adaptability: Beavers in Timberborn should have the ability to adapt to different environmental conditions. For instance, they could build homes that could withstand cold weather conditions. Additionally, they could build dams and other structures that are resistant to flooding and heavy rainfall.

Dynamic Terrain: The terrain in Timberborn should be dynamic, with mountains, hills, valleys, and water bodies. This feature will make the game more realistic and engaging, as players will need to take into account the topography of the land when building their city.

Interactive Weather: The weather in Timberborn should be interactive and unpredictable. This feature could include rain, snow, thunderstorms, and other natural occurrences. This will make the game more challenging, as players will need to adapt their city to the weather conditions.

Done Feedback Suggested by: Rishabh Yadav Upvoted: 31 Mar, '23 Comments: 24

Comments: 24