Threated planks bottleneck and other costly buildings

1 votes

There is a bottleneck in the game around the point where the player wants to start terraforming. At this point, Threated Planks come up for the first time, and now, you need 300 of it. This then causes a situation where the only thing the player can do is wait around until both the Drill and the Terraforming Station is built.

I think the cost of these two buildings is too much. They cost too much of a resource that just gets introduced here. I think they should cost maybe 100 Threated Planks together.

This is a problem with several of the high-cost buildings (Mine, monuments, metal platform, other things that need 50+ of a single resource type). These buildings cost so many resources that they just make the game grind to a complete halt. There is something to make the player aware how many buildings they drop without minding their productions, but these can do that by themselves.

Under consideration Balance Suggestion Suggested by: WhiteRoo Upvoted: 15 Apr, '23 Comments: 1

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