Trees should not be faction exclusive (all trees species in map editor or softer restrictions)

16 votes

You did a good job adding all new crops and food chains in update 4, we remember we asked for more distinctions between factions, BUT! That shouldn't had made trees into fully faction-exclusive.

First - there are not that many plant species overall. In game with "Timber" in the name, but we now have all kinds of crops but just 6 kinds of tree, 4 being exclusive now.

Second - it limits map designing as visual as well as surviving options (by using chestnuts or mangroves for early food). A few of my maps relied on chestnuts as food source, giving a bit more depth to gameplay by giving choice of timber or food for players.

I suggest removing exclusivity from all trees.
Maybe instead lock some species for factions only for planting behind research or exploration.

Under consideration Map editor Suggestion Suggested by: Gin Fuyou Upvoted: 03 Nov, '23 Comments: 0

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