Game asked me to share feedback when I quit out of boredom, here's mine after about ~1 hour or so

1 votes

Feels really slow to play, I'm constantly on the fastest setting and just sitting around waiting for stuff to happen. I got to the point I could see how long everything was gonna take and quit. Nothing in the game really motivated me to feel like I needed to do anything extra after the tutorial was over. Build a dam, ok, did that, why? dunno.... need to unlock stuff, need to science.... oh, big ol waiting game..... *waits*..... ok, whats next? oh, more stuff I need to wait for..... WHY AM I PLAYING THIS? There's nothing fun to do while waiting for things to unlock....

I've requested a refund.

Done Feedback Suggested by: Keith Upvoted: 18 Jul, '23 Comments: 5

Comments: 5