Optimisation for Mac

2 votes

I played the game on a Macbook Pro 13-inch M2 Edition.
The game is very very very poorly optimized if felt. After you go to a sizable population like 100 or 140, the FPS drops to 1.

- I tried making the graphics setting lowest,
- Set the resolution lowest
- I even dragged the resolution from 100% to 30% where it's barely watchable.
- Still, the FPS is 1.

Then I noticed that it is consuming 7.7 GB RAM of my total 8GB RAM.

Honestly, it's a shame, as I really loved the game, otherwise, I wouldn't have tried so much. It's a very relaxing game for me.

1. Really suggest fixing it, if this is an optimization issue, otherwise, I won't be able to play this any longer with 1 FPS lol.

Under consideration macOS Performance Suggested by: Eikiyo Upvoted: 21 Jan Comments: 1

Comments: 1