Feedback on badwater

6 votes

I've been playing Timberborn excessively for a very long time and understand the considerations to add gameplay depth with this new fluid. I was curious and worried at the same time about how it would impact the gameplay.
The way that pumps can selectively pump either fluid was a very good key idea. I now build big filtration systems to do just that, and keeping colonies alive hasn't been made much harder.
Overall, I'd say that the new gameplay in the experimental version is the best first draft it could have been. I'm enjoying it thoroughly and hope that the new system will mostly be retained as it is!

A friend pointed out that it would be good to be able to automate floodgates a little, e.g. to close when the water is too dirty. I agree that that would be a good possible extension but don't deem it essential at the moment.

Keep up the good work!

Done Feedback Suggested by: Hai Upvoted: 16 Oct, '23 Comments: 6

Comments: 6