Droughts/Badtides are too hard to recover from

3 votes

After 300 hours I've noticed it's reeeally an uphill battle after a drought, and now especially after a badtide. All of your beavers are too busy running over to the next water pump to use their own and productivity hovers between 0% and 30%, basically making the water pumps useless. Your farmer beavers are all running around to the other farmhouses to grab the first bit of food harvested. Resources are not regained but rather burned through immediately. I think having eating and drinking on a schedule instead of just whenever possible would help build resources up tremendously. Thirsty beavers should keep working until that time is there, so that there's actually something there when its time to drink. A badtide is even worse. All your crops (and most aggravatingly: berries) are dead and its gonna be another half/full cycle before they're back. All while your rivers are flooded with badwater for days after it ends. No food production, no water pumping, just beavers dying in mass.

Done Feedback Suggested by: Dekatater Upvoted: 04 Jan Comments: 2

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