Now that the irrigation spread is variable, get rid of the variable evaporation rate

63 votes

The 1 tile rate dumps needed be nerfed, I agree.

But now in experimental we have the spread of the green limited by the size of the water source. This is much better way to address it. It is **obvious and visible**. Maybe the numbers can be further tweaked and improved-- the 3x3 water dump is the new 1-tile dump-- but this is the right direction. It makes the shape of your bodies of water matter more. And managing water is the heart of this game.

The previous, invisible and un-intivutive evaporation rate that varies the number of edges a body of water is now redundant and can be removed, without loss of any benefit. The current systems really punished thin canals, which is a natural thing to build. I've had irrigation canals, with dedicated water dumps which my bots could not keep filled because evaporation exceeded the ability to dump water. This is not ideal.

Under consideration Balance Suggestion Suggested by: eleazzaar Upvoted: 29 Feb Comments: 2

Comments: 2