AAU I don't know when to start a new district

1 votes

My feedback concerns the size of districts, and knowing when to create another one.

Something I quickly noticed in Timberborn is that there are no obvious diminishing returns or clues of when it is time to expand to more of the map, and when a city has reached capacity. Currently, the game will let the player grow a single district as large as they want, with mostly only the path color outline as an obvious indicator of when things are built too far out.

It would be great if the UI (especially tooltips) reflected some sort of upper limit where a single district has too many of a single resource for its own good. For example, in Rise of Nations or Age of Empires, there are population caps or resource trade limits to encourage the player to build more cities, housing, trade routes, etc. The tutorial could then reflect guiding the player how to make a new district, a district crossing, and the resource trading UI (which itself is a lot to take it at first).

Under consideration Feedback Suggested by: Woode Upvoted: 31 Dec, '23 Comments: 2

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