Things that would be nice to have in the next update (major or minor)

5 votes

Having a 'Canteen' that stores all consumable food and drink for beavers to gather and have a meal would be nice. Alternatively, modify the camps and rooftop terraces to do just that.

Another idea is to have 'Tall Floodgates' that require metal blocks to be built. The current ones use only planks and logs so it should be doable. We already have bridges that need metal blocks to be built for longer lengths after all.

A third idea is to have a 'High Power Shaft' that turns left or right as it goes up or down. Given the recent update that allows one to adjust the side of a building's entrance, it should be possible to do the same for the said type of power shaft (thereby bypassing the need to research for two new types of 'High Power Shafts' - one that turns left and one that turns right).

Done Feedback Suggested by: Dennis Upvoted: 13 Mar Comments: 0

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